Thursday, July 7, 2011

I have found my passion...

I've never had a passion for anything. I went through high school reading the Harry Potter series, shopping, watching lots of tv and playing sports. Then, I went to college for a Business major, the major that everyone chooses when they don't know what they want to do, spent a lot of time watching the food network and attempting to cook. So naturally, when my boyfriend would ask me what my passion was, I'd say cooking, but then I'd go on saying that I didn't want to cook that night. There was an aspect of cooking that I liked, but not the actual cooking part. I'd tell him that I really liked the outcome of the cooking more than cooking itself. He would then tell me that cooking was not my passion. So, I became pretty set on just accepting that I did not have a passion in life...but then out of nowhere, it hit me. Foodography.

I actually realized my passion while reading the following blog.

There was an article in there where Katie had a quote saying "I'd been telling my friends for years, 'I think there's something else that I'd excel at''. She is a food photographer (a really good one) and I realized that is something I'd like to try. I spend so much of my time watching the food network and looking at food blogs, but it never occurred to me that maybe this is what I could be doing, taking pictures of food. This probably didn't occur to me because I love eating food more than anything, but that's besides the point. I want to be a food photographer.

I just know that it will make me happy. I gravitate towards great pictures of food and whenever I have a camera in hand, I usually only take pictures of food. I must say that I'm not very good at it right now; I'm not sure if I have the eye for these types of things, but it is definitely worth a shot. That's where this blog comes in. I want to document my growth as a foodographer and chef.

Right now, I have a point and shoot camera, but I've always been disappointed with the quality of the pictures so I am going to be brave and spend the money for a nicer camera. I have a lot to learn, but I am ready and willing. I hope this blog helps me see where I need improvement and maybe even entertain a few of you. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Christine! I'm happy for you that you found this passion. Have fun on this journey!
