Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Egg salad

I was majorly craving egg salad for some reason. I hadn't had it in years and am still not really sure what made me crave it, but boy am I glad I did. I experimented with a few different combinations, but felt this had the most flavor. I actually liked adding white wine vinegar, but couldn't get the perfect combination, but I'll keep trying. So to get perfectly cooked eggs, all you have to do is put the 6 eggs in water and heat it on medium high. Once the water starts boiling, put the timer on for 9 minutes and you will have a perfectly cooked egg.

I also learned something about toasted bread that I'm pretty sure everyone already knows. Fresh bread toasted is way better than stale bread toasted. I love fresh bread so much that I thought toasting it would just ruin it, so I never did. I only toasted bread if it was stale until recently. FRESH BREAD TOASTED IS SO GOOD! The outside edges are crispy while the inside is fluffy and it's just amazing. Ok, there is my epiphany of the day.

Did you know that eggs are my favorite food? I love them boiled, scrambled, sunny side up, poached, over easy...the list goes on. If it wasn't so high in cholesterol, I'd have it a lot more. Anywhere, here's the recipe; it's actually not that fattening because I used minimal mayo. Enjoy! Oh, and I know I said I was going to make a dessert and I am! I just had to find the perfect recipe and I have! It is a raspberry mocha dobos tortelette from's probably the most complex dessert I've ever made with the exception of the raspberry souffle I attempted to make; unfortunately it never rose.

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